Call for papers (year 2023)

Special issue on «Promoting human relationships in Gerontological Social Work»

The Relational Social Work Journal (ISSN: 2532-3814) is an international open access peer-reviewed journal with no article processing charges. The journal analyses and promotes the relational approach in Social Work and in related areas (social policy, social welfare, social development and human services).

The next issue of the Journal will be a Special issue on «Promoting human relationships in Gerontological Social Work».

Social work with older people is a complex field in which various subjects are involved, both at an individual and institutional level. During the pandemic and post-pandemic phase in particular, studies and research show that older people were not listened to, or involved in the decision-making processes that concern them, and their human rights were not respected (Cesari & Proietti, 2020; Anand et al., 2021). Promoting relationships in Gerontological Social Work means supporting communication between the different services required, promoting collaboration among those involved (practitioners, family members, volunteers), and ensuring the participation of older people and their families. Social workers can play a fundamental role in recognizing and promoting the human rights and the value of human relationships in defining effective and respectful intervention. Contributions from studies and research aimed at identifying issues in terms of human relationships in social work with older people are welcome, as well as any description of innovative projects aimed at promoting the participation of older people and their families in care planning, or at collaboration among people involved in planning and implementing social intervention.

We are writing to inform you that the Call for paper for SPECIAL ISSUE in Relational Social Work journal to be published in April 2023 is open now! The special section «Promoting human relationships in Gerontological Social Work» will be published in the VOL. 7, N. 1/2023.

The call for papers is addressed to academics, policy makers, managers, or social workers from various backgrounds. Contributors are welcome to submit:

  • an article (theoretical contributions, empirical studies or research) on themes linked to human relationships in Gerontological Social Work
  • a Voices from practice focused on innovative experiences on main topics in Gerontological Social Work field (i.e. care planning, discharge from hospital to home or residential settings, supporting informal caregivers, promoting home care, residential care home placement, inclusion of older subjects who are part of an ethnic minority or LGBTQ+, etc.)


The deadline for paper submissions is October 30, 2022. The manuscripts can be submitted through electronic submission at link or by e-mail as attachments (Word format) to

All manuscripts submitted:

  • must be in English: if English is not your native or first language, before submitting your manuscript to Relational Social Work Journal you may wish to have it professionally edited;
  • must follow the Author guidelines:;
  • will be double-blind peer-reviewed;
  • should be original, not under review by any other journal and not published elsewhere.



Anand, J. C., Donnelly, S., Milne, A., Nelson-Becker, H., Vingare, E. L., Deusdad, B., … & Pregno, C. (2021). The covid-19 pandemic and care homes for older people in Europe-deaths, damage and violations of human rights. European Journal of Social Work, 1-12.

Cesari, M., & Proietti, M. (2020). COVID-19 in Italy: ageism and decision making in a pandemic. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association21(5), 576-577.