Nonviolent Communication in Social Work

Francesca Lamedica

This paper intends to present the possible fields of application of Nonviolent (or Empathic/Collaborative/Compassionate) Communication (NVC) to Social Work, and its benefits for the wellbeing of service users, practitioners, the professional environment, and organisations. This presentation will be supported by an overview of relevant literature and research. A particular focus will be on the helping relationship, highlighting the essential role that Nonviolent Communication can play especially in the interview, but also throughout the whole helping process. NVC values — as empathic listening, mutuality and reciprocity, authenticity, empowerment, consideration of the other’s feelings and needs — applied to Social Work fundamentally coincide with the approach promoted by Relational Social Work. Moreover, NVC provides social workers also with valuable tools enabling them to build the necessary self-awareness and inner availability to engage in a truly helping relationship. This self-awareness about the own needs is also crucial to engage in healthy and constructive professional relations with colleagues and the organization, and to prevent burnout.


Nonviolent communication, helping relationship, child protection, aggressivity & shame, burnout prevention, professional relations.
