Relational social work supporting family caregivers of older people in crisis: Comparative discussion in Ireland, China, and Namibia

Yaru Li, Janet Anand, Janet Ananias, Honglin Chen

Relationships are embedded in the social work profession due to its nature of providing help and care. Both in theory and methodology, relational social work aims to build and strengthen supportive social networks around people. Professional relationships in social work practice contribute to service delivery and facilitate better quality care for older people. Older people live in a reciprocal relationship network where family relationships and environmental settings are all related to their well-being. In rapidly aging societies, the safety, health, and rights of older people are major concerns for families and states. Using case study methods and comparative analysis, we explore relational social work in family care settings at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels in different cultural contexts. Three sub-studies demonstrate that empowering individuals, peer groups, and communities can bring about social network change, highlighting the importance of relationships.


Relational social work, family caregiver, social gerontology comparative analysis.
