A complex pedagogy: the training response for social workers

Brigitta Pia Alioto, Giulia Poletti

In the profession of the Social Worker, where social contexts and social relations are matters of work, it is necessary to argue about the value of the internship as an integral part of university training. The situated work allows to reduce the gap between theory and reality, enabling the student to effectively understand the ethical principles of the profession, the development of an intercultural communicative competence, and the implementation of reflective action. Social relationships, imbued with emotional flows, allow the development of empathy, the deconstruction of the mental constructs, with which the individual interprets the world, and the constitution of a plastic forma mentis able to interact in the perspective of mutual growth with the other. The formative response of the Social Worker, a profession in which social relations are the conditio sine qua non of the social work itself, is contained within what wants to be defined, in this paper, as pedagogy of complexity — a theoretical, practical and relational triad.


Relations, internship, Social Work, learning, pedagogy.
